Wednesday 27 March 2013

MedGroup (27/03/13)


Weekly Meditation 27th March 13

   Detoxing- emotionally, physically, and letting go of the past.

                  “I forgive myself”

Meditation Table

Solar Plexus- Power, Ego, Opinion, Fear, Connection to others, Pride, Stress
Heart- Love, Relationships, Forgiveness

Yellow Topaz- aligning energies within solar plexus
Yellow Tourmaline- to draw out or cut away blockages

Yellow- solar plexus chakra
Green- heart chakra
silver- energy connection cord

Archangel Raphael- healer
Archangel Jeremiel- healer of anger, judgement and unforgiveness.
Archangel Raguel and Chamuel- help within relationships.

Rudra- God of fire & storms, reminds us that riding life`s storms can strengthen us. Burn away blockages.
Ganesha- remover of obstacles/blockages

RAM (solar plexus)

Positive Affirmation:
“I easily forgive myself and others”

Usual indicators of guilt:   Pain, Middle back pain, Injuries/cuts, Insomnia, Neuralgia, Anal Itching or pain, Bug Bites.
“I lovingly forgive myself. They are free and I am free. All is well in my heart now.”

Usual indicators of unforgiveness:  Kidney/urinary problems, Abscesses, Bad Breath, Growths.
“I release the past with love. I easily forgive. The past is over. They are free and I am free.”

Health & Nutrition:  “In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete. I love who I am and all that I do. I recognise my body as a good friend. I choose to be healthy and free. I feed it nourishing thoughts. I feed it nourishing food and beverages. My body is a wondrous and magnificent machine, and I feel priviledged to live in it. All is well in my world.”  ~Louise L Hay

Solar Plexus Mudra
Heart chakra and Solar Plexus mudras.

Heart Mudra

Monday 25 March 2013

My Magic Box "I forgive myself" (25/03/13)

Weekly Affirmation from My Magic Box
"I forgive myself"

Weekly Reading (25/03/13)

Last weeks reading focused on feeling the urge to connect and speaking out your truth honestly and openly, all stemming from the previous week which brought enlightenment and clarity to make those changes for your path ahead.

This rang completely true for me, as I have been urged to carry out some enlightenment of others through actively speaking out and raising awareness of world issues to others.

Doreen Virtues reading for this week focuses on detoxing your body and life, and the environment, world issues, petitions etc. This leads on nicely from my own readings and urges as a Lightworker.

This week, i am using the Life Purpose Cards to help bring some insight into the collective path we are travelling on. 

The first card is Author, and this definitely a reflection of the urge I am having to write...and to raise awareness through writing on my blog and facebook page. This card represents the need for expression, and sometimes writing down our thoughts and feelings is the best way to express ourselves and help our focus. 
The Angels are telling me that this card also represents writing a new chapter in your life, you have the ability to bring about positive change for yourself and others, you are writing the script for your own life and you are also responsible for writing the story of the human race through co-creation and everyday actions. Make the story a good one for yourself and for everyone!

The next card is Nutrition, and just like Doreens own reading this is telling us to take care of our body, and if you have been feeling the urge to detox then now is a good time. Our body is interlinked with our mind and spirit, and it is where our energy being/spirit/soul/life force lives. It is important to be aware of what we are feeding our body. Where has the food come from, how was it produced, is it nutritious, who grew it, and what love & energy was instilled in the food before it came to you. We surely become what we eat, and our body is constantly renewing itself at a dna/cellular level as well as an energetic level, so you do become what you eat. Every food has an energetic vibration or ferquency, and some foods are classed as being heavier in energy than others, eg meat, so its a good time to think about reducing meat in the diet. Personally, i aim for 70% healthy food, and 30% food that probably isnt so good for me.

The last card is Flowers, which just like Doreens cards, this is urging us to connect to the environment and to mother earth to help with our renewal, as this is also spring solstace and a time for hope, new life, rebirth and renewal. To bring about beautiful positive changes that help ourselves and others. The angels encourage us to think about how are we contributing to the workings of nature, are we working with it or against it. Are we connecting to ourselves properly or ignoring those inner urges to do what is right for us. Its a reminder to follow our intuition and open our hearts, as opposed to following our egos. When we go out for a walk in nature or work with flowers and plants, it helps us to connect with the earth and stay grounded. This card is also representing the time for planting new seeds, metaphorically and literally.. plant the seeds for your life changes, and plant the seeds for growing your own foods to encourage good nutrition. 

Much Love & Light, Debbie xo

Thursday 21 March 2013

RECIPE: Root Veg Stew

Easy Peasy Root Veg Stew  

Sweet Potato
Veg stock

Boil, mash and eat!


Wednesday 20 March 2013

MedGroup "I can speak up for myself" (20/03/13)

Meditation Table
Weekly Meditation 20th March 13
   “I can speak up for myself”               

Throat- (Vishudda)  Blue. Sound. Self-expression, communication, creativity. Bridge from the heart. Ear, nose & throat problems. Breathing in life.
Heart- Connecting to the throat. Speaking from the heart. Truth.

Throat Chakra

Blue Topaz to direct energy to the throat
Blue Agate
Sapphire/emerald to calm the throat chakra
Blue for throat chakra.
Chamomile- calming
Rosemary/Thyme/Sage as steam inhalation
Archangel Gabriel- to help communicate effectively
Archangel Sandalphon- works on the high vibrations of musical tones and sounds
Ganesha- Hindu God, the remover of obstacles
Lord Vishnu- The lord of truth
Sing your heart out!
HAM (H aaaa mng)
Positive Affirmation:
“I can speak up for myself”
“I communicate with strength and love”
Opening gate mudra

This mudra is often used in those ceremonies used to open the Gates of the Temple. It is the mudra that improves listening and communication. It will treat any throat disorder and this mudra also helps you develop the ability to communicate at the physical and Spiritual levels.

The top photo shows how to place your hands when you do the mudra, but the lower photo shows more clearly that you wrap your left thumb inside the fingers of your right hand. Touch your right thumb and your left middle finger, and notice the sea shell shape. Breathe, relax, feel the energy flowing through your hands and your throat. Use the mantra "OM" softly to enhance the effects of this exercise. (

Opening Gate Mudra

Monday 18 March 2013

My Magic Box "I can speak up for myself" (18/03/13)

Weekly Affirmation from My Magic Box:
"I can speak up for myself"

Weekly Reading (18/03/13)

       So, last weeks reading was focused on taking a little time out emotionally, mentally & spiritually, to give yourself a little self-love and gain some insight & enlightenment into where you are now, and what life changes you would like to make right now.
         This weekend should have brought about some strength and clarity in deciding what those changes are, and feeling a lot more secure about where you are on your path right now.

Im feeling that this week coming is a little softer and perhaps dreamy, and that the crazy energies from the previous couple of months is settling down and not feeling so busy.

This week, I have decided to use the beautiful Romance Angels cards from Doreen Virtue.

This reading ties in perfectly with the weekly Affirmation from My Magic Box "I can speak up for myself" as there is a link to open communication running throughout and an opening of the throat chakra.

The first card, Soul Mate is the focus for the start of the week. For some, it will be centered around feeling a very close connection with their other half and getting that feeling of knowing they are with the right person. Or perhaps a need to feel close again? For others it can mean meeting someone who they connect with, you know like when you meet someone for the first and it feels like you have known them all your life? This is no coincidence. Some of you may be getting the feeling that now is the time to meet the right person, and perhaps let go of the wrong person.

The card for midweek is Getting To Know Each Other. This is time for communicating with your other half honestly and openly, whether you are together for years or have just met, there is a great need to speak openly and not be afraid to reveal the real you!

The weekend brings Give Your Relationship A Chance which runs from the frank discussions midweek, and is a gentle reminder that all relationships need some effort and work. You will know if this relationship is worth the risk, so follow your heart but take your head with you!

Generally speaking, this is a week of speaking out with love and honesty in order to bond and connect, and to realise that good communication is all the work a relationship needs sometimes.

Much Love & Light, Debbie xo

Wednesday 13 March 2013

MedGroup "Every problem has an answer"


Meditation Table
Weekly Meditation 13th March 13
“Every problem has an answer”

Crown- knowledge, understanding, wisdom, clarity, ideas, enlightenment
Brow- third eye, intuition, instinct
Solar Plexus- inner power, wisdom, strength

Clear Quartz- Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals.  It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy.  Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations.  It balances and revitalises the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes.  Cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind.  Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities.  It aids concentration and unlocks memory.  Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.  Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies. (

White- Purity, healing
Violet- Enlightenment, divine connection, knowledge

Archangel Raziel- understanding dreams, heal & learn from past (life) experiences, unlock hidden potentials.
Archangels Zadkiel and Uriel- assist to revive and renew your natural intellectual abilities to think clearly, focus without wavering, and remember information.
Archangel Jeremiel- heals our minds of toxins, helps with life reviews

Hindu Deity:
Saraswati- the goddess of knowledge and learning, represents the free flow of wisdom and consciousness. She is the mother of the Vedas, and chants to her, called the 'Saraswati Vandana' often begin and end Vedic lessons. The goddess of wisdom, art and music, she is the daughter of Lord Shiva and Goddess Durga. It is believed that goddess Saraswati endows human beings with the powers of speech, wisdom and learning.

Ganesha- Easily recognizable as the elephant-deity riding a mouse, Ganesha is arguably he most popular Hindu God, and one of the commonest mnemonics for anything associated with Hinduism. The son of Shiva and Parvati, Ganesha is depicted has having a curved trunk and big ears, and a huge pot-bellied body of a human being. He is the lord of success and destroyer of evils and obstacles. He is also worshipped as the god of knowledge, wisdom and wealth. (

Sat Nam- Truth is my identity

Positive Affirmation:

    “Every problem has an answer.
     Everything I need to know is revealed to me.
     I trust my inner knowledge.
     I stand in my unique power.”

Ask yourself "What would you have me do now?" and trust yourself that the answers will come!

What is Uttarabodhi Mudra? The Uttarabodhi mudra is called the mudra of supreme enlightenment. This mudra is formed with both hands placed at the heart; index fingers touching and pointing upwards, the other eight fingers intertwined.
Uttarabodhi Mudra
It is a hand gesture that clearly evokes a sense of unshaked unity within oneself in aligning with the One source. Try holding the Uttarabodhi mudra for a couple minutes and sense the subtle energy shift in your body! (

Monday 11 March 2013


By request, here is my Home Remedy for Toothache:

All or some of the following ingredients can be used directly (with a cotton bud) or mixed together into a mouth rinse.

*Salt water
*Tea Tree essential oil
*Lavender essential oil
*Clove essential oil or whole cloves
*Hydrogen peroxide

Affirmation for Toothache:
The probable cause of toothache is around decisions. Long-standing indecisiveness. Inability to break down ideas for analysis and decisions. 
The Positive Affirmation is:
 "I make my decisions based on the principles of truth, and I rest securely knowing that only right action is taking place in my life."
Root Canal has a probable cause of being unable to bite into anything anymore. Root beliefs being destroyed. 
The Positive Affirmation is: 
"I create firm foundations for myself and for my life. I choose my beliefs to support me joyously"

Repeat these Affirmations as often as possible. 

Sunday 10 March 2013

Affirmation for Earache

I have a very sore left ear today, its throbbing!

The ears represent the capacity to hear, and Earache is caused by Anger. Not wanting to hear. Too much turmoil. Parents arguing.

I know exactly what it is that I don`t want to hear right now, and I have been on the receiving end of some harsh words by a couple of people.

The Affirmation, or new thought pattern for Earache is
"I hear with love. Harmony surrounds me. I listen with love to the pleasant and the good. I am a centre for love."  ~Louise L Hay

Here is the Earache Home Remedy I have made up-
* Warm oil (Olive is best as it is thick but i dont have any right now and using Rapeseed instead)
* Sliced garlic clove.
* Cinnamon
* Essential oils- Lavender, Tea Tree


My Magic Box "Every problem has an answer" (10/03/13)

"Every problem has an answer"

Weekly Reading (10/03/13)

Last weeks reading (posted on facebook) was spot on for me! How did everyone else get on?

My week panned out exactly as the cards said- getting on with work and getting the job done with success as the outcome.
I had a very busy week working but it all paid off with working at a great Health Fayre and completing my first orders of Natural Skincare Products.
I was on the receiving end (again!) of some criticism and harsh words and judgements from others, and by Saturday night I needed a good blow out with friends and a bottle of wine. So now Im knackered, hungover and in need of a much calmer week lol..

I can feel the energy changing since last week....thankfully it no longer feels very heavy and stale the way it did for weeks, but it does feel a bit hectic. This is definitely a time for making changes, and this weeks reading is emphasizing this need for change and action.

Today Im using the Archangel oracle cards from Doreen Virtue

The first card GENTLENESS is a reminder to be very gentle with yourself right now. Perhaps, like me, you have been facing criticism and harsh words lately, and need some peace, or to take a little bit of time out and take it easy for a bit. There is also a need to retreat from conflict until the spirit feels a bit stronger!

The next card LIFE REVIEW is telling you to make good use of the peaceful time out to take stock of what is happening in your life right now. Listen to yor inner intuition, and even meditate for this, in order to bubble up what needs to be changed or healed. Gaining clarity is important in order to take effective action.

Which brings us to the last card LEADERSHIP which is urging you to take action and gain control of your personal power, the inner power that makes those changes and brings about healing! The angels are also reminding you of being confident in your actions and life decisions regardless of other peoples opinions. Call on Archangel Gabriel to help you communicate your wishes effectively and to be lovingly assertive in your conversations with others.

Love & Light, Debbie xo

Wednesday 6 March 2013


"Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed.In fact angels have no religion as we know it ...their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on earth."     ~ St. Thomas Aquinas

New Blog!

I have moved the blog here from wordpress as this has more options and easier to use :)
Will copy all previous blogs to here.